John Naylor and Company

Dates: Before 1876 until at least 1884

Location: Scotland Road, Warrington

Specialities: machine wire, Russian hair brushes, flour machines, corn screens, separators, sheets of screen wire, brushes, graters, wire kiln covers, mill brooms, punched iron, screw jacks, provers, hoisting chains, mill chisels, sieves, riddles

John Naylor and Company appears to be one of a number of wire-related companies that sprang up at the height of the Warrington wire industry in the late 19th century. It seems to have specialised in agricultural wire products and brushes.


This article was written for the Wire Works Project 2020-2021, a National Lottery Heritage funded project aiming to highlight and celebrate the legacy left by the wire industry, which dominated Warrington’s employment structure for over 170 years, putting the town at the forefront of the Industrial Revolution.