Warrington Museum holds a fine collection of archives and manuscripts relating to Warrington and the surrounding area including, but by no means limited to, the following:

  • Records of the Borough Council of Warrington
  • Records of some surrounding townships
  • Manorial and court records
  • Militia records
  • Estate and family deeds and papers
  • Rentals, maps and surveys
  • School records
  • Church Records
  • Records of local businesses
  • Records of local societies and institutions
  • Fire brigade and police records
  • Records of some individuals of both local and national, and even international significance

Some of the items in our collections are very fragile. With this in mind you may be asked to wear specially provided gloves, to handle the items under supervision, or to use a surrogate copy of the item in place of the original (a microfilm copy of an original document may be provided for example). This is to ensure that the records survive for future generations to consult in as good a condition as possible.

Searching the archives collection online

Archives held by Warrington Museum can be searched via the Cheshire Archives & Local Studies Catalogue which can be found at the following link:


Once you have gone to the above link, select the “Advanced Search” option. From here you will be able to click on the box marked “Repository” and select Warrington. This will allow you to search only the archives held here at the Museum.

Searching the Archives Collection in Person

All of our archives can be consulted in person by visiting the Museum Search Room. Staff will be available to assist you and to give advice on suitable records. Whilst it is not necessary to book an appointment, some items may have to be requested in advance, so it is advisable to contact the Search Room staff before your visit if you want to consult a specific document.

Other relevant Material

Warrington was originally part of the historic county of Lancashire but was transferred to Cheshire following local government re-organisation in 1974, where it remained until it became a unitary authority in 1998. Consequently much archival material relating to Warrington and its surrounding villages is held at the record offices for both Cheshire and Lancashire.

As well as Archival material, Warrington Musuem & Art Gallery holds a vast collection of books, periodicals, pamphlets, photographs, and ephemera. These items often compliment the archival holdings and add extra detail to the stories the archives can tell. The collections are inseparably linked and it is advised that researchers always consult both.